
Launched in spring 2014, this refreshing drink with natural extracts of mint and lime has achieved exceptional performance in all distribution networks. 

It is hard to find it in the UK as the market for it hasn’t developed like in Europe where it has fulfilled a high demand. ASDA has tried to introduce it in 2016 but it did not last long.

At Original Foods, we are offering all the new 7ups, 7up Mojito, 7up Exotic, 7up Cherry in the UK.

Those who still think that the 7Up brand is a sleeping beauty have probably missed an episode in its history. Indeed, since the arrival of the flavours Tropical in 2009 and Cherry in 2013, supplemented since by the flavour Mojito, the acceleration in sales of 7Up has been impressive.

With more than 55% of the market share in supermarkets *, the leading brand in the “limes” segment is up 21% in a + 8.3% category, and continues to recruit since, according to Kantar, it has conquered more than 500,000 households in 2014. While in supermarkets, sales volumes of 7Up Mojito are three times those of Cherry, “the reception of 7Up Mojito in modern distribution channels such as take-away or kebabs, and the very trendy circles were a good omen ”, comments Guillaume Darsy, commercial director of PepsiCo France

By pursuing its “flavouring” strategy, the supplier has seen it right: the performance of 7Up Mojito exceeds its forecasts.

Faced with demand, sales forecasts in AD have been readjusted
Conventionally, the arrival of 7Up Mojito in automata has been indicated by an “innovation” coil. Then, the 33 cl can reference quickly joined the permanent assortment of certain operators. “Very quickly, the disruptions appeared, the absence of a product stimulated demand, and word of mouth was set up among consumers”, says Guillaume Darsy, announcing that “the number one innovation in DA benefits today sales forecasts calculated to match the rotations recorded and the enthusiasm it arouses ”.
To explain this dazzling success, PepsiCo France recalls that the 7Up brand platform is based, on the one hand, on a simple recipe composed of lemonade and natural extracts of lemon and lime. On the other hand, the development of new tastes does not allow any compromise to the naturalness sought as a priority by the consumer. Finally, the Mojito flavor has proven itself in other countries such as Russia and Spain, before conquering France where Mojito is the favorite cocktail of the French.
Once again this year, the brand has no shortage of projects and ambitions, especially in terms of activation, which will be unveiled in the coming weeks.

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