Next Day Delivery
You can rely on our 3rd party courier service to deliver your parcels within 3 days when ordering through our website. We deliver anywhere in the UK!
Are you a business? Deal with us directly. Our depots are here for businesses to deal with our representatives directly for stock, wholesale orders & deliveries.
At Original Foods, we offer a personalised service to all our wholesale customers. We specialise in exclusive fast food products, providing food service to the UK market. With over 4 years in the business & depots in each major city (Birmingham, London, Manchester). We have successfully supplied halal Smash burger pucks, Algerian sauce & more to businesses across the nation.
Our products have helped businesses by increasing their demand from customers and enabling them to franchise. As our customer base have grown so have we! Each depot caters to the needs on businesses in those areas, allowing us to deliver from Plymouth to Scotland
Find out how we can help you by calling us today – 01213266333

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