
A patty burger that does not contain meat is known as a “veggie burger”. At Original Foods you can buy Veggie Burgers. The veggie burgers may be made from beans like soybeans, nuts, grains, seeds, or fungi such as mushrooms or mycoprotein.

The name veggie burger indicates that it is created in London in 1982 by Gregory Sams, who called it “Vege Burger”.

In India and the United States, many restaurants serve veggie burgers to vegetarians. Mac Donald’s is one of the most popular fast-food restaurants across the World that serve many types of burgers to burger lovers.

Here you can buy Veggie Burgers



If you want to buy Veggie Burgers, you need to know what’s inside. In the manufacturing of veggie burgers grains act as a meat substitute. The grains like wheat and rice provide carbohydrates and protein components. These grains provide texture to the burger that can change depending on the type of grain used. The look and texture of the burger are important as they wish to make the patty look like a beef patty.


If you want to buy Veggie Burgers, vegetables are a must.

Corn, mushrooms, and carrots provide the patty with texture and taste. Besides, vegetables provide moisture when heated. Vegetables provide nutrients along with some vitamins and minerals.

Buy Veggie Burger

Dry ingredients

Dry ingredients such as oats, breadcrumbs, and nuts, can absorb excess moisture and liquid, which results in the patty sticking together tightly. These ingredients turn the moist veggie patties into a sticky consistency, which also helps the patties shape easily. These ingredients provide fiber and proteins which add nutritional value to the veggie patty. Some dry ingredients like walnut and almond are rich in energy, minerals, and vitamins.


Safflower, olive oil, and coconut oil can lubricate the grain mix, and allow further cooking processing when what is added. Oils can also allow burger material to mix well and be heated together.


There are two common ingredients such as Tapioca starch and vegetable gum used in a veggie burger. Tapioca starch is also used as a thickening agent for manufactured foods due to its cheaper price. It helps to hold the burger patty tightly together once it is wet. This prevents the burger from breaking. Stabilizers provide negligible nutrients, but it also helps to hold everything together in the patty.


Typically salt is used for flavor, but it may be used as a preservative in veggie burgers. The water activity of a food is reduced due to the use of salt. This can prolong the shelf life of the food and prevent the growth of micro-organisms.

When you make a veggie burger then first you should get rid of excess moisture. Extra moisture causes vegetables or beans to smoosh so easily in the middle. You can deal with the situation in two ways:

  • Roast the vegetables until moisture evaporated. You can chop the vegetables into tiny bits and then roast them.
  • Roast the beans for 15 minutes in this way vegetables split open and dry out a bit.

The burger made with meatless material is a veggie burger. You can easily make it with any material other than meat. The veggie burger is made at home easily.

At Original Foods we do offer a range of Veggie Burgers do get in touch to receive our detailed brochure about it.

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